Wednesday 10 October 2012

5 of the Worst… Wedding Cakes

Topperland knows that little secret we all have, most of the time things don’t come out right the very first time and we all know that we have to practice to get better at it. This is true of Bakers as well so try not to snigger too much when we show you 5 of the worst wedding cakes we’ve come across!

(Ok you can laugh a little bit – we laughed a lot)

5. The sand castle wedding cake.

We've seen these before and if done correctly they can be stunning! This one unfortunately wasn't.

4. The Migraine Maker

Don’t look at this one for too long… It hurts

3. The “Cat got sick and we’re trying to cover it up” Cake

Oh dear

2. The “A Fish Out Of Water”

So called because the poor dolphins look beached (on something unspeakable)

1.       The worst ever cake copy ever

The cake on the right was what they wanted… The left is what they got.

Have you ever had a cake disaster? Why not let us know!


As always we look forward to hearing from you soon!




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