Thursday 2 August 2012

It's Party Time! (Don't Panic)

Here at Topperland we know how parents feel when you’re faced with your child’s birthday party. When did it become the social event of the season?

 However when faced with the dreaded “supermum” (you know the kind – scarily efficient and never a hair out of place) you know that you’re going to have to pull something really special out of the bag.
Are you hyperventilating yet?

Don’t worry because Topperland is on hand to help with our guide to making a party that won’t soon be forgotten (by the mum’s anyway because let’s face it the kid’s won’t remember it the following week).

So without further ado please see our guide to the perfect kid’s party.

Size is Key
When planning a children’s party just remember that the size of the party is crucial don’t invite too many children to a small venue because there will be havoc and you’ll only end up with something getting broken.  We suggest no more than ten or fifteen children as it could end up a disaster!

Leave enough room to breathe at least so they can blow out the candles!

Be Prepared

Remember that you’re going to need lots of activities and games to keep the kids busy. Arm yourself with colouring books and pencils too for those that don’t want to join in with the games. Here are some great websites for game ideas:

Pass the parcel is a classic for a reason…

How Many Mouths to Feed?
Make sure you have plenty of food to go round. Before you buy the food for the party remember to check with parents if there are any allergies you should know about and/or any foods they won’t eat. Try and make sure that there is a good balance of treats and healthy food as you really won’t appreciate ten screaming hyperactive little monsterdemons  children.

I scream you scream….

Check out these great ideas for feeding the kids fairly cheap

It may not be gold but at least it’s yellow… and edible!

Is your kids party theme going to be kids running around screaming? Or will it be kids running around screaming dressed as a pirate/fairy/alien or anything else that defies understanding?  If so why not take a look at these handy websites for ideas. The best advice though is pick a theme which will be easy to achieve!

Keep them busy!
Remember that terrifying clown at your childhood best friend’s birthday party? Yes? Still have nightmares? If the answer is yes then chances are that you’ve considered and rejected birthday party entertainment.  If the answer is no then here are some fantastic links to brilliant birthday party entertainers!

Go on admit it you sort of want it to pop don’t you?

The Cake
The most important part of any children’s birthday party…  At least in Topperland’s (in no way at all biased) opinion the cake should not only feed all the kids at the part but should also leave enough left over for the kid’s to each take home an extra piece (usually consumed guiltily by mummy or daddy).

So to make the cake look even more fantastic why not invest in one of our child friendly birthday cake Toppers! Take a look at what we can do and let us know what you think!

P.S. One last thing… Why not invite some of these “supermums” to help chaperone? Let them share the joy of helping watch the kids!

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