Everyone has heard of the Jewish wedding trend of smashing a
glass wrapped in a napkin underfoot and the answering call of "mazel
tov!" but there are some other VERY strange (and sometimes annoying)
wedding traditions out there. So because we’re just so cool like that
Topperland has compiled our favourites for you to check out.
- . The Charivari

2. Beating the Grooms Feet

In Sweden at the reception if the Bride or Groom leave the room to go to the toilet their spouse will get kissed… A LOT. If the groom leaves the room all the men will have the opportunity to kiss the bride and vice versa.
you believe in Faries?

There’s such a thing as too much motherly love…
The next time you accuse your parents of being nosy I want you to think of this tradition… In some areas a village elder is required to go to the wedding night with you to ahem show the err happy couple how it’s done… Usually this is a village elder… Unfortunately it can also mean your mother…
So here’s Topperland’s rundown of our favourite and frankly frightening wedding traditions… Which ones were your favourite and do you have any funny or strange wedding traditions or did you break with all tradition? We want to hear from you so why not get in touch?
always we look forward to hearing from you soon!
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