Friday 14 September 2012

Wedding Fashion Through the Ages

Today is a special day as it kicks off London Fashion Week and here at Topperland we have decided to commemorate this by checking what wedding fashion was like through the decades starting with the 1900's and ending with modern day!

So from corsets to waistlines and lace to silk here is today's first installment the 1900's!

A typical 1900's dress
Wedding Fashion at the beginning of the 1900’s was mostly categorised by stiff collars and the perfect S curve silhouette which was achieved by wearing a longline corset. The pin up girl of this time was the Gibson girl and this was reflected in everything from art to hairstlyes to dress sense and even artwork. The perfect silhouette was considered to be tall, slender with an ample bosom, bottom and hips.

"The Crush” by Charles Dana Gibson
However as the decade wore on the fashions became less elaborate and more functional with the rise of feminism. Women's waists began to thicken and busts were flattened and the fuller skirt was shunned for a straighter skirt.

So this concludes our first installment of wedding fashion through the decades! Let us know what you think - have you got any past wedding photos of relatives that you'd like to share with us? Why not get in touch?

As always we look forward to hearing from you!




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